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Writer's pictureSalman Khan Kashmir

Murder of Kashmir senior journalist by suspected a target killing organized by Indian state security

Updated: Aug 27, 2018

Press release: 16th June 2018.

Murder of Kashmir senior journalist by suspected a target killing organized by Indian state security apparatus.

SAKAG South African Kashmiri Action Group strongly condemned the anonymous but spineless killing of a senior journalist and Chief Editor of Rising Kashmir, Syed Shujaat Bukhari. Mr. Bukhari had previously been attacked, but the criminals left unapprehended. We urged the establishment of an independent and impartial investigation body to investigate the killing and prepare an official report so that justice will be done. Shujat Bukahari was at the forefront of exposing Indian hidden crime to the world and ultimately paid the price by his life. His cold blooded murder added a tally of 12 top journalist murders in a decade.

SAKAG denounced the attempt to assault freedom of the press, and praised the Shujaat Bukhari for his unswerving devotion to his vocation educating the public to the freedom of thought and expression. We further deplore the ongoing suppression of Freedom of speech and expression in IoK Indian Occupied Kashmir for last 71 years. Kashmir civilian faces a perpetual curfew under an unannounced martial by Indian state in Kashmir which is a disputed territory between Indian and Pakistan and since 1947 illegally occupied by India.

After a long spell of quietness from UNCHR on 13th June 2018, have issued an official circular to launch a full independent investigation into extra-judicial killing, rapes, torture and abduction in Indian occupied Kashmir by Indian.

Kashmir is 86 000 kms in radius and three time the size of Belgium bordering between three Nuclear powers of the world India, Pakistan and China and inhabitant of over 14 million people, mostly Muslim with pocket of Buddhists and Hindus population.

At the time of British liquation of India-subcontinent and partition of India and Pakistan Kashmir was suzerain sovereign state. The state ruler Maharaja Hari Singh decided to stay independent and enter into the standstill agreement with both India and Pakistan, but Indian short after entering in to the agreement invaded the sovereign state of Kashmir under the false pretext of the notion that Maharaja Hari Sing has signed an instrument of accession, which they have failed to produce a copy of signed copy to any court of law.

India soon after invading Kashmir faces a revolt by locals and quickly took the matter to UN in January of 1948, and UNSC after listening to Indian complaint issued a famous resolution 47 of 1948, whereas India was asked to call for free and fair referendum for Kashmiri to practice their right of self-determination. It was duly accepted by Indian Prime Minister Nehru who initially took the case to UNSC.

India, since 1948 has denied the referendum and circumventing it by sham election and people of Kashmir have been resisting the illegal occupation of their land by Indian forces and in this sad episode of seven decades Indian have maintained a brutal martial law and stationed 700,000 armed forces to quell any uprising and curtailed access to all human right bodies including special UN rapporteurs on human rights to investigate atrocities committed by Indian army.

SAKAG further maintain that there is no room for debate over assassinating an innocent person, like Syed Shujaat Bukhari. It is criminal. It is brutal. It is sinful act of evil committed by Indian state apparatus. And it is an evil that begets only more evil. No cause, overrides the humanitarian imperative of sparing innocent civilians from death, injury, or psychological trauma. Kashmir will continue to resist as through resisting they only will exist.

SAKAG appeal to journalist forum of South Africa, AIJ Institute of Advance journalism and DIRCO to engage and seek answers of cold blooded murder of Syed Shujat Bukahri and ongoing human right abuses and violence of in IoK Kashmir.

The time has come that world and specially media and leaders must take stock of the situation in Indian occupied Kashmir and use social, political and economic leverage to exert pressure on Indian government to withdraw it 700,000 armed forces and lift martial law and set up a date for free and fair election and put an end to ongoing carnage in Kashmir before it become too little too late, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke”. #Stopgenocideinkashkir #boycottindia #Indiamustquitkashmir #freekashmir

Issued by : Salman Khan. 0826916048

Founder and Chairman SAKAG & KCAU

South Africa Kashmir Action Group

Kashmir Center for Africa Union

SAKAG & KCAU is part of Kashmir Global Movement.

Further resources:

Amnesty report on Kashmir Human Right violation by India:

Human Right Watch report on Kashmir Human Right violation by India:

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